to accompany and give back hope

About Parish Nursing


What is Parish Nursing ?

Parish Nursing is a health ministry within a faith community. In the tradition of the disciples whom Jesus sent out to heal the sick, parish nurses seek to promote health and healing within our congregations and the community. We are whole people (spirit-mind-body). What affects part of us affects the whole being. A physical disease (eg. heart disease) can lead to mental (depression) and spritual dis-eases (hopelessness), and this can work in any direction. Parish nursing seeks to help in ways that will reverse this process, leading back to health. Parish nursing also recognizes that we live in community with others (family, friends) and with God. Whatever affects our relationships with others or with God also affects our health. Parish nursing works to strengthen relationships.

The focus is on promoting health, preventing illness, and promoting recovery in individuals, families, congregations and the community through supporting people and empowering them to take more control of their own health.


  Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Award

April 5, 2018

Margaret Black, Parish Nurse, attended an awards ceremony at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College which provides Clinic Interns (4th year students) to lead the SWIFT Seniors’ Exercise Classes, The SWIFT Program (3 classes/week) won an award for being a Community Partner with CMCC, providing experience to their students. Margaret also won an award for being the organizer of the program. Congratulations to all our leaders and class members for making this happen and thanks to CMCC for the recognition.


© Parish Nursing Ministry