to accompany and give back hope

Parish Nursing Bulletin




In Oct. 2007, we presented Pandemic Influenza Parts 1 & 2. Now is the time to remember and implement the important points, and ongoing communication is very important.

What We Are Doing

* maintaining ongoing contact with Toronto Public Health Pandemic Planning Manager
* maintaining contact with Anglican Diocese's Pandemic Planner
* following reports of disease outbreak closely to increase precautions as necessary
* maintaining contact with you

What You Can Do

* Wash your hands frequently & thoroughly(15 seconds, front & back, in between fingers, around fingernails, etc.)
Before - handling food, touching your face, etc.
After - using the washroom, coughing/sneezing/blowing your nose/touching pets/touching door handles, elevator buttons, etc.

* cover your nose & mouth when coughing/sneezing, etc. - use a tissue, discard it in the garbage, and wash your hands; if not possible, cough/sneeze into your sleeve to prevent viral spread

* stay home if you are sick - call the doctor or telehealth (1-866-797-000) if you have questions

* use hand sanitizer after touching environmental surfaces/ people and before touching food (including communion elements); rub in well and make sure it is dry!

* bow/smile/nod when exchanging the peace rather than hugging/shaking hands if you wish

* take only bread/wafer if you do not wish to share the cup

* maintain good health habits at home (eat nutritious meals, get enough sleep and exercise)

* maintain good spiritual health (take time to read scripture, pray, relax, remember that God is always with us, no matter what we are experiencing; call the minister (416-494-2442) or parish nurse (416-494-5364) if you are feeling lonely/anxious, etc.)

* unless you are in close contact with a sick person, masks are not helpful. Good handwashing is much more important!

If we use our knowledge wisely and practice precautions, we can help to minimize the impact of this disease.


Vaccine - a vaccine is intended to prevent the development of the disease by exposing the body to a weakened strain of the virus, and forcing the body to develop its own immunity. It will take approximately 6 months to develop a specific vaccine for use with the H1N1 swine flu virus, so we hope to have one available by Fall, 2009, but not before then.
Antiviral Drugs (e.g. Tamiflu) - are used to treat the flu once you have it. They are effective in helping people to fight off the infection, but will not prevent it.
Both antivirals and a vaccine (when one is available) will only be available through the Public Health Department.


© 2009 Parish Nursing Ministry